Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Google Calls Viacom Suit on YouTube Unfounded

On monday Google announced[Ny Times] that it would not back down from the lawsuit it is facing from Viacom. (Previous Post on the issue) Google claims that the "safe harbor" provision of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act will protect them. Viacom is suing Google's YouTube to take down over 100,000 videos that according to Viacom violate copyrights that they hold. They have already messed up one at least this week however.

Viacom responded to Google's claim that they were a "Safe Harbor" by stating that Google does not qualify as a "safe harbor", and that it knows that infringing material exists on their site.

Google also stated last month that they will be soon unveiling tools that will make it easier for copyright owners to identify their copyrighted material and have it removed from the site.

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